Boy howdy, it's time for another COWPIE! This week's prompt is to write a Top 10 “Why I’m the most nerdy” list. Once you've read my post and Kathryn's
post, then please cast a vote!
(edit) THIS JUST IN: Cory has also submitted an entry! Check it out
here. You can vote for his on either blog by specifying that you're voting for Cory.
But first, a quick note about a change in voting procedure: to vote, simply post a comment on the blog you think should win. You only need to vote once, and votes can be anonymous. This way we don't have to keep switching back and forth between each of our blogs and wondering if we voted for ourselves on both. (Look, I'm not implying anything about Kathryn's last-minute come-from-behind tie on the first COWPIE - I'm just sayin'.)
That said, enjoy, and... Nerd On!
Top 10 Reasons Why Joe Is the Metanerd of the Peebles Family10. Nerdy sound bites. Remember that commercial where the hard-luck kid walks home from school in the rain and then goes to Chuck E. Cheese to redeem his pitiful day? When they get to the arcade, he says to his older brother, "You're on my turf now!" Apparently, I thought this was the thing to say one time when I was playing YMCA soccer and was facing off against kids I knew from school. Turns out it's really just the thing to say if you want to give the cool kids another reason to laugh at you.
9. Just an old-fashioned nerd-song, coming down in four-part nerdery. In college I was part of a barbershop-gospel quartet called AcaFellas. Yeah, you can go ahead and just cast your vote now, and then continue reading the rest of the top-ten list.
8. Front-row Joe. While we're on the subject of music, I should mention that I love singing along with any bass line during movies (especially when in the theater). No, that's not Dolby, that's Joe the human soundtrack, pimpin' it with some groovy Movie Booster Aca-Bass.
7. Average times per week that I visit Wikipedia for longer than a couple of minutes: more than 7. You do the math. Or let me, ‘cause you know, math + anyone = nerd…
6. Preach it, brother. Speaking of math, in high school algebra class one day I got the inspiration for a sermon at church (our church would let young guys preach from time to time): an algebraic equation about a + b being greater than c or something like that, comparing it to Jesus saying “the greatest among you will be your servant”. (And yes, I absolutely worked the whole thing out into a sermon.)
5. Fashion sense, or lack thereof. Other than my honest ignorance that black and orange don't go well together (no, it wasn't Halloween, but it was 8th grade), there was my personal policy of staying at least six months behind any trend of any kind. The first major cave-in to trend-pressure was ankle socks. To my surprise, ankle socks were actually AWESOME.
4.Typical Friday night in high school: TGIF (Urkel, anyone?), maybe study a little, go to sleep.
3. Favorite sport: Disc golf. Yes, I love to
frolf. Let me know if you need to borrow my bag or get some instruction on proper driving technique sometime. Anytime. Seriously- I'm usually not that busy.
2. Video games. Not only did I own and play video games obsessively, but I also had favorite books, TV shows, and movies that were all video game-based or -themed. (Did I mention the bed sheets that were video game character-themed?)
1. How do you spell N-E-R-D? I got my high school letter jacket my sophomore year. For UIL Spelling. Yes, before I ever lettered in choir, I lettered in spelling. Now
that's layers. L-A-Y-E-R-S, layers. Wonderful,
nerdular layers.